What is 8+1 Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence (Multiple Intelligence) is intelligence that covers many areas in everyday life. There are 8+1 Multiple Intelligences, namely Language, Logic, Musical, Body Movement, Image & Space, Understanding Self, Social, Naturalistic and Moral. Mother and Father certainly want their little one to grow up smart. Unfortunately, the definition of intelligence so far has only been seen from the achievement of learning outcomes at school. This also makes the meaning of intelligence limited.
Mother and Father certainly want their little one to grow up smart. Unfortunately, the definition of intelligence so far has only been seen from the achievement of learning outcomes at school. This also makes the meaning of intelligence limited. As a result, your little one is confined to only 1 or 2 intelligences, such as Logic or Motion & Space. Meanwhile, in reality, within your little one, there are many other potentials that can be developed.
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The true meaning of intelligence is a person's ability to learn, understand the environment, and solve problems. There are 8+1 Multiple Intelligences that children have, with different portions for each intelligence.

Why are Multiple Intelligences Important?

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Come on, Make a Planplay!

Fill in the play plan according to your little one's multiple intelligences that your father or mother wants to hone. Schedule your little one's play plan every day for 30 days.
Why does it have to be 30 days? Because the increase in your little one's intelligence will only show results after playing intensively for 30 days.
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Learning Styles and Ways of Stimulation

Every child has their own learning style. By getting to know your little one's learning style, it will be easier for fathers and mothers to choose the right stimulation to develop their little one's potential, especially their multiple intelligences.
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The right parenting style so that children are smart

As early as possible, knowing the right parenting style for your little one can help parents have smart and happy children. The development of every child is influenced by 2 factors, namely the Nurture and Nature factors.
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Emotional intelligence so that children are happy

Every child needs to have emotional intelligence. From an early age, your little one can be trained to control his emotions, so that later he will be liked by his friends because he is kind! Come on, stimulate emotional intelligence from an early age.
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